Wright Brothers' Plane
year and location unknown
(USAF photo)
The following photographs were found at a history web site for multiple Air Force bases. I contacted the web master for that site, and he replied that he obtained them via an official Maxwell AFB web site. The pictures have since been removed from the official site. They are quite old, and appear to be official photographs, therefore they are in the public domain.
(Unofficial) Maxwell AFB History web site

2Lt William C. Maxwell ~ 1920
(official photograph obtained via web site noted above)

Maxwell Field before WW II build up
Austin Hall (AU HQ) is in the center of the photograph
(official photograph obtained via web site noted above)

Austin Hall Graduating Class - 1931
(official photograph obtained via web site noted above)
Compare the doorway above with the one below.

Air University HQ - 1979
(photo by Philip "J.P." Brown)

WAAC - 1943
(official photograph obtained via web site noted above)

British Cadets - 1941
(official photograph obtained via web site noted above)
Compare the roof gables in the background in the above picture with similar ones in the background below. It appears that the SP Barracks (Building 813 and others) were built by 1941. The screens around the porches would have been needed since air conditioning was not widespread.
Building 813, facing north ~ 1976
(photo by Ron Fellion)